
Prison School Season 2: Everything You Need to Know

Prison School is a popular Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Akira Hiramoto. The series follows the story of five male students who are enrolled in the prestigious Hachimitsu Academy, a school that until recently had been a female-only institution. Prison School Season 2 explores the lives of the boys as they try to adjust to their new school life and navigate their way through the school’s strict and often bizarre rules. And also has a massive following worldwide and fans have been eagerly waiting for news of a second season. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at what we know so far about Prison School Season 2.

What is Prison School Season 2?

Prison School Season 2 is the second installment of the anime series based on the manga of the same name. The first season aired in 2015 and was produced by J.C. Staff. The series was well-received by both fans and critics and has since gained a massive following. The second season was announced back in 2017, but since then there has been no news on when it will be released. Fans have been eagerly waiting for any news regarding the second season.

Release Date

As mentioned earlier, the second season of Prison School was announced back in 2017, but since then there has been no news on when it will be released. The lack of updates has left fans wondering whether or not the series will be returning. However, there have been some rumors that suggest that the second season is still in production. There is currently no official release date for the second season.


The second season of Prison School is expected to pick up where the first season left off. The boys of Hachimitsu Academy are still trapped in their prison-like school and are still trying to find a way to escape. However, the second season is expected to have a more serious tone as the boys face new challenges and obstacles. There are also rumors that suggest that the second season will focus more on the relationships between the boys and their female counterparts.

Cast and Crew

There has been no official announcement regarding the cast and crew of the second season of Prison School. However, it is expected that the original cast and crew will return for the second season. This includes the director Tsutomu Mizushima and the voice actors Hiroshi Kamiya, Katsuyuki Konishi, and Kenichi Suzumura.

Fan Theories

Since there has been no official news regarding the second season of Prison School, fans have been speculating about what the series could bring. One popular theory is that the second season will focus more on the relationship between Kiyoshi and Chiyo. Another theory is that the boys will finally find a way to escape from their prison-like school.


Prison School Season 2 is one of the most highly anticipated anime releases in recent years. Fans of the series have been eagerly waiting for any news regarding the second season, but there has been very little information released. While there is no official release date yet, fans can only hope that the second season will be released soon. Until then, fans will just have to keep speculating about what the series could bring. For Readers!

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