Advantages of Stump Houses

Building on stumps is an excellent option when you have a very steep block to work with. But before buying that steep block be aware of the extra costs involved in building a stump home. It is a common misconception that Stump House Designs Toowoomba is cheaper to build than homes with a slab foundation.
You can’t build a great building on a weak foundation. You must have a solid foundation if you’re going to have a strong superstructure, especially if you are building a house on a sloping block.
Stump homes are quite popular in Australia and there are many reasons why Aussies love this type of home. One of the advantages it affords is providing safety against floods. These are some of the advantages they can deliver.
Providing safety against floods
Many parts of South East QLD sit on a flood plain which means flooding is possible, thus it is still a common problem in this region. Through a stump home, your house can be raised away from flooding. However, you should need to find a knowledgeable builder who can do this for you.
A skilled and experienced builder understands that overland flow paths shouldn’t be blocked. This is where the floodwaters or storm waters will flow back to the streams. It’s a natural land path that you need to preserve.
If your lot has an overland flow path, building on stump home can help you make the most out of your site.
Best views
Your site allows you to enjoy the best views there are. Aside from freeing your mind from any flood scare, a stump home can also give you a magnificent view. This makes it a great choice for nature and landscape lovers.
Another advantage is you can even enjoy a colder breeze from this due to the free-flowing air that roams into your home. That’s additional energy savings for your family.
Adjustable poles
By building on stumps, the individual poles that serve as the foundation of the home can be adjusted accordingly. It can be built with varying heights, depending on the finished floor line to be reached. This means that the stump poles are flexible and easy to adjust to the needs of your site.
Fewer earthworks and lesser cost
Building houses means you need to level the site before one can build on it. There is a need to level a site before one can build on it, especially if it is on a sloping block. With a stump home, you don’t need to worry much because you can use poles with varying heights instead.
The comfort of a timber flooring
Scientifically, timber has positive effects on people’s health such as lowering a person’s blood pressure. This can make your body feel better and calmer as it mimics the effect of going out in nature.
Through a stump home, you can enjoy the benefits of a timber floor plus the beauty of charming balusters in your verandah.
Easy access to drainage
Since building a stump home means having a raised flooring above the ground, accessing the drainage system is easier. So, if ever a problem regarding your plumbing and drainage system arises, you will be able to fix it easily. As an add on, it also keeps you safe from pests and termites because of its good ventilation below.
Easy renovation and extension
Every now and then, people want to have changes – in his house and in his surroundings. Most probably, you might also want to add an office room for yourself or a playroom for your kids.
With a stump home, future renovations and extension can be easily done since you still got a space underneath you. In addition, here are some more advantages, this time on building a house on stumps.
Working well on slopes
It had been noted that there is a number of clients wanting to build their homes on slopes or uneven grounds. The reasons range from on getting spectacular vies, but also to get away from the hustle and bustle of city life.
A problem they usually encounter, however, is finding a level ground to build on.
Here, a stump footing design can do wonder work, Each of the stumps can be made into different lengths, making it a great choice for a sloping site. Likewise, it also allows you to have a perfectly level home that also permits surface water to pass through quickly, effectively avoiding flooding.
No excavation necessary/house elevation
People found out that placements (house construction) can be done without excavations. The absence of excavations can offer considerable cost savings on sloping sites.
Many people think that houses on stumps can be elevated for a better view, or being able to create under-house storage, rainwater tanks, among others.
Others think that minor movement or settlement of a house over time can be overlooked, However, a slab can develop cracking which can let in moisture, pests or look unsightly in the case of polished concrete floors.
Additionally, old timber stumps can be replaced, relatively cheaply and permanently for renovation. These stumps, bearers and joists are more environmentally sustainable than concrete, even though concrete suppliers are working hard with innovations such as fly ash to reduce cement content and produce lower emissions cement.
Easier home renovations
In houses with a stump footing design, the cables, wiring, and the pipes are normally under the flooring. This makes it easier for a technician to examine and solve many problems while you carry on with your daily routine.
Also, since your water pipes are more accessible, any issue with those could be repaired at a faster, hence, at cheaper rate.
Concrete Stumps
The old-fashioned timber stumps that were popular up until the late 1970s are now out. Stump foundations subsequently lost their popularity to concrete slabs because of the stability the latter provides.
To address durability, and strength issues, concrete stumps on concrete pads are now used instead of red gum stumps. Apart from offering more support, concrete stumps can also withstand the soil moisture changes that once caused rot and settlement to the old timber stumps.